Tuesday, February 14, 2012


            It was a nice, calming evening from my front porch. I could see my breath, but it wasn’t cold beneath the scarf and pea coat. I’ll pick up Liz up from the airport in three hours. The water drops seemed to drip from the clouds as opposed to rain down. I had checked the back doors, the window latches and locks. How much does a pane of glass cost? I was locked out.

            The last time that this happened was about a decade ago. It was in front of a Toys ‘R’ Us in Tulsa, OK. I had previously given my best friend an extra key to my truck. He rescued me. After he finished fishing. Seven hours later.

            The only thing that I had in my pocket was my phone. No wallet. Obviously no keys. Lauren and William came to the rescue with a locksmith number. I called. ETA 25 minutes.

            A large white van with lights on the roof, slowly albeit quite professionally, made its way slowly down the street. Parked. A cordial gentleman exited.

            The self-locking door (the source of my troubles) gave the locksmith troubles even with his hair pin tools. I suggested the back door. He thought for a second before he pulled out a thin plastic sheet. He ran it between the door and the door frame. Click. Internal light. I laughed. He smirked before he said, “ These are supposed to be jimmy proof.”

            Well done Don Hill’s Lock and Safe. Well done.