Monday, March 25, 2013

Spring Begins In DURM

As winter changes to spring, Durham events are once again moving outdoors.
This past weekend, on the 700 block of Rigsbee Avenue, Durhamites renewed their commitment to the city’s well being at the second anniversary of Marry Durham. 
The weekend before (as pictured above) a St. Patrick’s Day carnival centered around the filming of a music video in the downtown CCB Plaza. The local rapper, The Real Laww, was shooting footage for his new video "Ninjas in DURM". Lilly’s Pizza shared their pies and Triangle Brewing provided libations. Because of the grey skies and chilly weather, Liz and I bounced from Pizzeria Toro, to the plaza, to Alley Twenty Six, and back to the plaza to take part in the festivities. We made our rounds and took in the ever-enjoyable spirit(s) of Durham. I even made friends with the largest and sweetest pit bull puppy (I use the term puppy loosely) that I have ever met.
My anticipation for future events continues to grow.  I continue to find myself getting more and more excited about this city, about DURM.